Rooflights (also known as skylights) are a great addition to any house, adding natural light and ventilation to the interior. They also create a feeling of spaciousness. The right rooflight can have a significant impact on your comfort and living environment. It's important to know the various factors you should consider when making a choice from a variety of rooflights available on the market. This guide will provide you with all the information needed to make an educated decision when selecting the right All Rooflights Flat for your house.

Understanding Rooflights: Rooflights allow natural light into the interior of a building by installing them on the roof. Rooflights come in a variety of shapes, sizes and materials. Each one offers unique features and benefits. Understanding the various types of rooflights can help you narrow your choices and find the right fit for your house.

Rooflights that are fixed: Fixed rooflights cannot be opened or shut. The rooflights are designed to maximize the natural light while minimizing ventilation.

Ideal for areas where ventilation isn't a top priority, like hallways, stairs, or places with limited roof access.

Open Rooflights: Open rooflights (also known as hinged or vented rooflights) can be opened either manually or electronically for ventilation and airflow. Ideal for rooms requiring both natural lighting and ventilation such as bathrooms, kitchens or living rooms.

Roof Lanterns: Roof lanterns, which are large rooflights with raised glass panels that allow maximum natural light to penetrate the structure, make a beautiful architectural feature.

Ideal for adding elegance and grandeur in spaces such as extensions, conservatories or orangeries.

Walk-On Rooflights: The walk-on rooflights have been designed to carry a load, which allows them to be installed on areas where people are able to walk directly over them. This includes terraces, balconies and flat roofs. Ideal for creating unique outdoor spaces and maximizing natural lighting indoors.

What to consider when choosing a rooflight

In order to choose the right rooflight for you, it is important to consider several factors.

Roof Type and Pitch: Rooflights are designed to fit the type and pitch your roof. Rooflights are available for flat, pitched, and lantern roofs.

Size and placement: Rooflights come in a variety of sizes and shapes. Measure the available space before making your selection to ensure that you get the most natural light. Rooflights are available in a variety of sizes, so make sure you measure your space before selecting one.

Glazing Options: You can choose the right glazing type depending on your needs, such as sound reduction, insulation, UV protection and cost. Choose from double-glazed or triple-glazed glass that is self-cleaning and tinted.

Frame Material: Rooflight frames can be made of aluminum, wood, or uPVC. When choosing the material for your frame, consider factors like durability, maintenance and aesthetic appeal.

Energy Efficiency: Choose energy-efficient rooflights that have high thermal performance ratings in order to reduce heat loss and energy costs. To ensure maximum energy efficiency, look for products that have low U-values with high solar heat gain coefficients (SHGC).

Building regulations and safety: Check that the rooflight you choose complies to building codes and safety standards in terms of ventilation, structural integrity, and fire safety. For added security, consider features like rain sensors, smoke ventilation, and security locks.

Budget and installation costs: Calculate your budget, and include both the cost of the actual rooflight and the costs associated with installation. Although quality rooflights are more expensive upfront, they offer many long-term advantages in terms of durability and energy efficiency.

Warranty and After-Sales Service: Rooflight suppliers and manufacturers who offer comprehensive warranties as well as reliable after-sales service to resolve any concerns or issues that may arise following installation are the best choices. Check out customer testimonials and reviews to determine the reliability and reputation of the company.

Popular Rooflight Products and Brands

Velux: Velux, a leading manufacturer of skylights and roof windows, offers a variety of products that are suitable for different roof types. Their innovative designs place a high priority on energy efficiency, durability and ease of installation.

Fakro: Fakro is a leading provider of loft ladders and roof windows for both residential and commercial buildings. The company's product line includes fixed, sliding, and balcony roof windows, as well roof hatches, sun tunnels, and roof access hatches.

Roof Maker: Roof Maker provides contemporary rooflights, roof lanterns and roof lights that enhance architectural aesthetics and natural lighting. Modern homes and extensions are often attracted to their sleek, minimalist designs.

EOS Rooflights: EOS Rooflights is a specialist in custom-made rooflights, roof lanterns, and other rooflights that are tailored to the individual project needs. The company offers a variety of customization options including frame finishes and glazing types.

Sunsquare: Sunsquare's innovative rooflight designs incorporate cutting-edge technologies and high-performance materials for energy-efficient, yet aesthetically pleasing solutions. Their flat rooflights, pyramid roof lanterns, and other products are very popular among both architects and homeowners.


The right rooflight is an important decision for your home. It requires careful consideration of many factors including the roof type, size and glazing options as well as energy efficiency. Understanding the types of rooflights and evaluating your needs and requirements will help you make an informed choice that enhances your home and increases its value. If you choose a roof lantern, roof light, walk-on or fixed rooflight from a reputable brand, it will provide natural lighting in your home for many years to come.